Monday, December 26, 2005

On English language

Was reading the book "Cryptography: A very short introduction" and came upon a few interesting points.

According to the book, the most common letter is the letter "E" with 12.7% Other common ones includes T: 9%, A: 8.2%, I: 7%, O:7.5%.
The really rare ones include J, Q, V, Y, Z, all at 0.1%. The most common 3 letter word in the english language is "THE".

However these are only statistical results, for "we note that there is a 200-page novel that does not use the letter E(Gilbert Adair's transaltion of A Void by Georges Perec)"
I really wonder how the novel is like to not use the letter E at all......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha.. probably 'E' wasnt invented.. =p
must continue to update le.. haha..