And here's something new yearish I thought of while counting my ang pow money(which says a lot about my marital status) which is econs related. Firstly, the concept of INFLATION... how much can your ang pow money buy you this compared to your previous years? My guess is that for most people(esp lower income groups), your ang pow is most likely lesser relative to the amount of things you can buy with the money.
Which brings me to the next stroke of brilliance(well, as if), maybe the dept of economics statistics of Singapore can use ang pow $$$ a supplementary indicator to WAGE RISES and WAGE RISES with respect to INFLATION. I mean well the
My ang pow money this year per ang pow has generally either shrinked in nominal terms(like instead of mostly $6 dollars, now there's an increase in the $4 ones) or stayed stagnant. As for increases...... ermm... what increases? So for my family there's a fall in the "Nominal Ang Pow Index"... haha lets name it "NAPI"
Factoring in price inflation of what the money can buy, the situation looks even worse... as everybody knows the price of everything has been increasing, so the same amount of money can buy lesser than the year before, so my "Real Ang Pow Index"(RAPI) has a even greater fall than NAPI. Oh my.... this doesn't sound good for my family and relatives...... and me of course!
So my friends... how has your RAPI and NAPI moved?
Enjoy your new year!